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“Under The Blue Of The Moon” - Clea Anaïs |Review

“Under The Blue Of The Moon” by Clea Anaïs is one of ten songs on their debut album, Circle Zero. “Under The Blue Of The Moon” is a dreamy, beautiful song that “imagines youthful freedom on the other side of global doom, beyond the conventions of dissolved human structures.”

Opening with drums and piano, Clea’s silky, high voice comes through singing. Their vocals are accompanied by a light and strong soundtrack that evokes an ethereal, space vibe. Their singing comes across as wise and all-knowing.

Then, Clea’s singing and soundtrack quicken, increasing the energy of the song. Quieting down again, another voice joins Clea as they repeat: “there is love in honor and honor in love.” This chorus is very different from the previous part of the song, yet even with the faster, louder soundtrack and vocals, it still has calm energy; the bridge has the same result as well. The reason I felt the chorus works well with the rest of the song is that the contrast in energy isn’t stark, which would throw off listeners; rather, the contrast provides the listener with variety and nuance.

Next, the listener’s ears are filled with a musical solo that lowers the energy again. It also provides a place for the listener to get lost in their head. The musical solo begins the song’s return to the calming, slow soundtrack and singing. The return centers the song as calm and dreamy.

The second chorus leads into the bridge. The soundtrack incorporates new instruments and beats, creating an even louder climax. Clea’s voice softly sings here and there, but their quiet voice is lost in the void of the soundtrack. Their voice feels like a ghostly echo as the listener strains to comprehend the lyrics. It fits perfectly with the dreamy, otherworldly essence of the song.

“Under The Blue Of The Moon” ended in an unexpected way, but I loved it. The bridge flowed into a mix of songs, evoking a shimmering feeling that then led into a classical outro. I expected the bridge to lead back into the calm, dreamy soundtrack and singing that occupied most of the song. Yet, the new incorporation added complexity while still connecting to the mystical quintessence of the song.

Clea Anaïs’ new song “Under The Blue Of The Moon” is a vibrant, exquisite song that everyone must listen to.

Clea Anaïs is a Calgary-based multi-ethnic musician and artist who was raised by a Mauritian dancer and a British painter. Clea was a part of the collaborative band RALEIGH where they recorded with many other bands. RALEIGH won Alternative Album of the Year at the 2918 YYC Music Awards. They also worked on Richard Reed Parry’s Music for Heart and Breath. Additionally, Clea has toured in Canada, Japan, Europe, the UK, the USA, and New Zealand. Turning towards Clea’s solo music journey, Clea’s debut album Circle Zero was released this month, featuring ten new songs. Clea’s music is a mix of Lana del Rey, Beach House, and Japanese Breakfast. Their first two solo singles reached 7k views on YouTube, and one of those was on CBC Radio 3’s Top 10 playlist.

Written by Anne Friedman

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