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"Summer Lovin'" - Johnny Longlegs |Review

French artist Johnny Longlegs cites a range of musical influences, including “funk, rock, soul, and motown sounds.” Longleg’s second single, “Summer Lovin,’' is a summery track. It’s unmistakably indie pop, but does have some jazzier influences. This tune is laid back, commencing with some twangy chords, rendering it infectious and danceable from the start.

This track is glimmery sounding and fun but also relaxed. There’s a good balance in the instrumentation. The range of sound effects used is enjoyable. Note the jazzy sax in the background, echoing “falling back into this harsh reality.” “Summer Lovin’” is full of earworms. This track is good driving music for the windows down. It’s easily listenable and has an open sound. With its mention of “fleeting fantasies” there is some emotional nuance to the track. It’s bittersweet and has more depth than one might expect from its catchy and polished exterior. The buildup towards the end of the song is especially emotional, culminating in “back to my galaxy.” “Summer Lovin” is nostalgic and free, reminiscent of a better time.

The single’s artwork is a collage, similar to that of the artist’s first track (“Cha Cha Lounge”). It’s admirable that this artist is cultivating both a visual aesthetic, as well as a coherent sound between the two singles. Johnny Longlegs has a unique sound and I’m interested to see how this sound evolves.

This track is very vibey. Johnny Longlegs doesn’t stick to one genre in particular, but there are some parallels between “Summer Lovin” and free spirited indie pop tracks, like those made by Hippo Campus. You don’t have to wait until summer to give this catchy song a listen! Check it out now.

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