Burdens by paddybeaz is an impressively constructed song using only drums as samples.
Though there aren’t many lyrics, the music is what wraps this song into the complete package. This lo-fi, yet nostalgic sound, really makes you feel at home when listening to Burdens. The story behind the song is personal to paddybeaz—after an argument with his high school sweetheart of 12 years, he thought his relationship would come to an end, so this song came to him like a prophecy one lonely night. As the girl listening to this, I would be touched to hear these lyrics, “But if you let me try again/ I'll be better, better than before.” All in all, Burdens captures the essence of what it feels like to fight for what you truly love.
Paddybeaz is an independent artist from Austin, Texas. His inspiration came from other independent artist that record music from home such as Kevin Parker, Ruban Nielson, and Mac Demarco. Music recorded from anywhere outside a studio is always impressive because it sounds like it’s studio produced. But this is not the only job he’s done; paddybeaz has DJed Tech House, Deep House, and UK Garage. His style of music is polarized, but they always say opposites attract; emotional dance pop is what we need.
Written by Lia Tsvetanova