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Charlotte Sands' "Love and Other Lies" Tour - Santa Ana | Concert Review

Two incredible powerhouse writers and performers took the stage at the Constellation Room in Santa Ana. Charlotte Sands’ “Love and Other Lies” tour is officially one of the best concert experiences we have ever had. An incredible atmosphere, loving fans, and just a positive and universally present group – I’ve never seen a more captivated crowd.

First up we saw a long-time Unheard Gems favorite, Carobae. We have loved Carobae for the last 3 years and it was so incredible for us to see her play this show. She has this ability in her vocals to completely captivate the audience and communicate the emotional storytelling of her songs. The set had songs from all parts of her discography and I almost cried listening to “i don’t miss you’ live, the way she stopped all the instrumentation and just had her raw vulnerable vocals isolated in the room…you could hear a pin drop. The audience was enthralled.

Charlotte Sands is a rockstar. She exudes this confidence and joy when she performs. This blue-haired, bright smiling, energizer bunny brings you everything you want in both pop and rock music. Honestly, her breath control was one of the most impressive aspects of the show, when it's not a slow seated ballad she is running, jumping, hair whipping, and dancing. I don’t know how she does it and continues to serve top-tier vocals but there is no compromise. The way she engaged with the crowd was incredible, everyone was singing and dancing right along and it was one moving body. Two cute moments of note 1. Her boyfriend's birthday was the same night (and we all sang the worst slow trudge of a disjointed Happy Birthday that there ever was) and 2. When we all sang along and she covered her eyes smiling at all the love fans had to give. I have to admit, I am a sucker for her more upbeat rock songs and I was dancing and screaming along the whole show. If Charlotte is coming to your city, do yourself a favor and buy yourself some tickets. (also she has some of the best merch I have seen in a long time. 10/10)

Link for tickets

Review and Photos by Hannah Schneider


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