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“Call My Mother” Edgar Alvis X Emina Sonnad Review

This one pulled me in right from the start, with a title like “Call My Mother,” as someone who calls their mom a little bit too much. “Call My Mother,” is by German producer Edgar Alvis and American singer Emina Sonnad. From the beginning of the song, Sonnad pulls you in with her honey-like vocals while Alvis hypnotizes you with his incredible bass and synth lines.

The producer hailing from Germany, Edgar Alvis, is based in Berlin. Alvis “started releasing music under his own moniker in 2022 in order to create an outlet for his more cutting-edge and uncompromising work. The “Perpetual New Kid,” Emina Sonnad, never quite fit in as a kid but developed “observational skills,” and “wrote religiously.” Sonnad graduated from UC Berkley with a degree in cognitive science, intending to pursue a career in neuroscience; this changed when she started performing at open mics. Sonnad is now based in Berlin and is working with the indie label, At Swim Music. Sonnad released four singles in 2021 and is still going strong.

My favorite line from this song comes from the chorus: “Fuck, I gotta call my mother.” I love how relatable this line is for so many people. That feeling of fucking up and having to call your mom, or being in a weird situation and having to call your mom, it’s just relatable for so many people. “Not so pretty when you’re coming down, I think I gotta take another,” comes right before the bridge. I love this line so much because, reasonably, we all know “taking another,” only prolongs the inevitable comedown. I just think the irony between this pair of lines is beautiful.

I love this song for so many reasons. Firstly, because it’s relatable and the lyrics are really good and impactful. Secondly, Sonnad’s voice is incredible– especially when paired with Alvis’ production. Lastly, I haven’t heard a song in a long time that made me want to cry and dance at the same time, and “Call Your Mother,” makes me want to. Overall, I think Alvis and Sonnad make an amazing duo, and “Call Your Mother,” is an incredible reflection of both of their works.

Review Done By Casper Barbour


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