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“Better Off Dead” - Monmoi | Review

Updated: May 28, 2020

A synthy dreamy pop track, “Better Off Dead” is a melodically dynamic piece.

This is monmoi's second release, a feel-good and bouncy track with innovative vocals, melody, and hook. “Better Off Dead” is the second release in a series for Momoi. a lo-fi pop song retelling a summer party and the realization that two people are changing and growing, but pulls one another closer. Conversational lyrics, a nice hits on that snare, the vibey dreamlike qualities of this track make it something truly special, I would describe this track as the way it feels when the sun is almost set but you still feel the warmth of the day.

A music project born out of the lockdown days, Monmoi is a London based artst. Lo-fi bedroom pop with hints dreamy psychedelic rock is the outcome of their quarantine creativity. Monmoi has been described as "London's new lo-fi darling" by The Sound Sniffer whilst Get Some Magazine described his music as a "psychedelic dreamscape" that could convert Monmoi into your new favorite artist.

So turn it up and dance about. Or turn it down and chill out.

Review by Hannah Schneider

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