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"Beach House ii" - HOAX |Review

HOAX has something so beautiful and soulful to bring to the traditional indie lofi sound.

HOAX revisits their roots and delivers a tender, saccharine masterpiece full of poetic lyricism with a modern vintage take in their new single, “Beach House ii”

"Beach House ii" is this dynamic yet floaty track that is perfect for this heatwave we are experiencing right now. Its sleepy melody is soothing and the punchy guitar grabs the listener's attention. I just love HOAX and the vocals on each of their releases. The track balances retro influence while making something that feels very new, relevant, and now.

The essence of “Beach House ii” can be summed up by the first couple of lyrics in its Pre-Chorus: “Priorities change but people never do, and I would be a fool to think you’re worth it to lose”. Much like the heart of its predecessor, “Beach House ii” deals with the same sentimental feelings of uncertainty amidst unwavering love and desire, while trying to work through it – just as we all are.

Sitting at the crossroads of alternative R&B, indie pop, and modern rock, HOAX elicits an infectious modern vintage sound that transports you to the late 70s music scene – all the while showcasing their contemporary take with passionate soulful vocals laid over mesmerizing instrumentation, groovy bass patterns, and eccentric guitar strums in their passionate masterpiece: “Beach House ii”.

“This past year for me – and I would only imagine for most of us – has been a year of introspection. Being stuck inside – even if you tried to ignore it in the beginning – probably led to every one of us having a reckoning with ourselves. To me, ‘Beach House ii’ is the aftermath of one of those reckonings. The older we get, the more critical we think of our past decisions and actions. So much so that some of us can live the rest of our lives consumed in regret. This song is my reminder to not keep any of those regrets, and to realize that your short term priorities will not be the moments you think about in the future, so don’t put them before or above the important things. If there is anything this past year of magical thinking has taught me, it’s that, ‘Life changes fast; life changes in the instant’ (Joan Didion), but it’s important to hold on to the people and the things that you hold dear. Otherwise, you’ll end up a 20-something year old dripping with regret, writing a song like this.” -Michael Raj

HOAX’s debut album, b?, is a concept album that follows the narratives of characters that are thrown together in the aftermath of tragedy. Each song is written from the point of view of a character who explores the abstract concepts of the essence of “BEING” – an evident obsession of both the characters in the story and the band members themselves. The dichotomy of BEING vs. DOING is highlighted through careful lyrical content on the album.

HOAX is an indie pop-rock band from Queens, New York. It is the musical brainchild of Michael Raj and Frantz Cesar, who create the sonics and concepts behind their self-described style of “empathy pop” music. Their modern vintage musical sound draws from a wide range of influences like 60’s pop, 70’s Motown, and alternative R&B. They like to see themselves as “the beautiful sound of sadness”, a description coined by a close friend. Their music thematically focuses on the human condition, explorations of social constructs, and the decisions people make based from them, all tucked underneath pop melodies.

Review by Hannah Schneider

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